Testing Lab 4: Nested Components


  • Test Setup
  • Testing that Projects Display
  • Testing Form Display
  • Testing Form Cancel


Test Setup

  1. Upgrade the @testing-library/user-event library to version 14.

    npm install @testing-library/user-event@14
  2. Create the file src\projects\MockProjects.js.

  3. Add the mock data below to the file.


    import { Project } from './Project';
    export const MOCK_PROJECTS = [
    new Project({
    id: 1,
    name: 'Johnson - Kutch',
    'Fully-configurable intermediate framework. Ullam occaecati libero laudantium nihil voluptas omnis.',
    imageUrl: '/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch4.jpg',
    contractTypeId: 3,
    contractSignedOn: '2013-08-04T22:39:41.473Z',
    budget: 54637,
    isActive: false,
    new Project({
    id: 2,
    name: 'Wisozk Group',
    'Centralized interactive application. Exercitationem nulla ut ipsam vero quasi enim quos doloribus voluptatibus.',
    imageUrl: '/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch1.jpg',
    contractTypeId: 4,
    contractSignedOn: '2012-08-06T21:21:31.419Z',
    budget: 91638,
    isActive: true,
    new Project({
    id: 3,
    name: 'Denesik LLC',
    'Re-contextualized dynamic moratorium. Aut nulla soluta numquam qui dolor architecto et facere dolores.',
    imageUrl: '/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch12.jpg',
    contractTypeId: 6,
    contractSignedOn: '2016-06-26T18:24:01.706Z',
    budget: 29729,
    isActive: true,
    new Project({
    id: 4,
    name: 'Purdy, Keeling and Smitham',
    'Innovative 6th generation model. Perferendis libero qui iusto et ullam cum sint molestias vel.',
    imageUrl: '/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch5.jpg',
    contractTypeId: 4,
    contractSignedOn: '2013-05-26T01:10:42.344Z',
    budget: 45660,
    isActive: true,
    new Project({
    id: 5,
    name: 'Kreiger - Waelchi',
    'Managed logistical migration. Qui quod praesentium accusamus eos hic non error modi et.',
    imageUrl: '/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch12.jpg',
    contractTypeId: 2,
    contractSignedOn: '2009-12-18T21:46:47.944Z',
    budget: 81188,
    isActive: true,
    new Project({
    id: 6,
    name: 'Lesch - Waelchi',
    'Profound mobile project. Rem consequatur laborum explicabo sint odit et illo voluptas expedita.',
    imageUrl: '/assets/placeimg_500_300_arch1.jpg',
    contractTypeId: 3,
    contractSignedOn: '2016-09-23T21:27:25.035Z',
    budget: 53407,
    isActive: false,
  4. Create the file src\projects\__tests__\ProjectList-test.js.

  5. Add the setup code below to test the component.


    import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
    import React from 'react';
    import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
    import ProjectList from '../ProjectList';
    import { MOCK_PROJECTS } from '../MockProjects';
    import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
    import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
    import { store } from '../../state';
    describe('<ProjectList />', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
    <Provider store={store}>
    <ProjectList projects={MOCK_PROJECTS} />
    test('should render without crashing', () => {
  6. Verify the initial test passes.

    PASS src/projects/__tests__/ProjectList-test.js

Testing that Projects Display

  1. Test that the projects display correctly.


    describe('<ProjectList />', () => {
    const setup = () =>
    <Provider store={store}>
    <ProjectList projects={MOCK_PROJECTS} />
    beforeEach(() => {});
    test('should render without crashing', () => {
    + test('should display list', () => {
    + setup();
    + expect(screen.getAllByRole('heading')).toHaveLength(MOCK_PROJECTS.length);
    + expect(screen.getAllByRole('img')).toHaveLength(MOCK_PROJECTS.length);
    + expect(screen.getAllByRole('link')).toHaveLength(MOCK_PROJECTS.length);
    + expect(screen.getAllByRole('button')).toHaveLength(MOCK_PROJECTS.length);
    + });
1. Verify the test passes.
PASS src/projects/__tests__/ProjectList-test.js

Testing Form Display

  1. Modify the card component to add an aria-label so we can access the button in the test.


    function ProjectCard(props: ProjectCardProps) {
    return (
    <div className="card">
    <img src={project.imageUrl} alt={project.name} />
    <section className="section dark">
    <Link to={'/projects/' + project.id}>
    <h5 className="strong">
    <p>Budget : {project.budget.toLocaleString()}</p>
    + aria-label={`edit ${project.name}`}
    className=" bordered"
    onClick={() => {
    <span className="icon-edit "></span>
    export default ProjectCard;
  2. Modify the form component to add an aria-label and a name (which gives an implicit role of form) so we can access the form in the test.


    function ProjectForm({ project: initialProject, onCancel }) {
    return (
    + aria-label="Edit a Project"
    + name="projectForm"
    className="input-group vertical"
    export default ProjectForm;
  3. Test that the form is displayed when edit is clicked.


    describe('<ProjectList />', () => {
    test('should display list', () => {
    + test('should display form when edit clicked', async () => {
    + setup();
    + // eslint-disable-next-line testing-library/render-result-naming-convention
    + const user = userEvent.setup();
    + await user.click(
    + screen.getByRole('button', { name: /edit Wisozk Group/i })
    + );
    + expect(
    + screen.getByRole('form', {
    + name: /edit a project/i,
    + })
    + ).toBeInTheDocument();
    + });
  4. Verify the test passes.

    PASS src/projects/__tests__/ProjectList-test.js

Testing Form Cancel

  1. Test that the form is removed after clicking cancel.


describe('<ProjectList />', () => {
+ test('should display image and remove form when cancel clicked', async () => {
+ setup();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line testing-library/render-result-naming-convention
+ const user = userEvent.setup();
+ await user.click(
+ screen.getByRole('button', { name: /edit Wisozk Group/i })
+ );
+ await user.click(
+ screen.getByRole('button', {
+ name: /cancel/i,
+ })
+ );
+ expect(
+ screen.getByRole('img', {
+ name: /wisozk group/i,
+ })
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
+ expect(
+ screen.queryByRole('form', {
+ name: /edit a project/i,
+ })
+ ).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
  1. Verify the test passes.

    PASS src/projects/__tests__/ProjectList-test.js

✔ You have completed Testing Lab 4