

Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8. They let you use state and other React features including Lifecycle Methods without writing a class.


  • React has always had two types of components: class and function.
  • Before hooks, class and function components were not interchangeable.
  • Before hooks, function components had two feature limitations:
    • couldn't have state
    • couldn't have lifecycle events
  • After hooks, function components became more capable than class components
    • can have state (useState hook)
    • can handle lifecycle events (useEffect hook)
    • can reuse stateful logic with Custom Hooks

Why Hooks?

  • Complex components become hard to understand
    • lifecycle events like componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate contain code to address mixed concerns
      • data fetching
      • setting up event listeners
      • etc...
      • leads to bugs and inconsistencies
  • Classes confuse both people and machines
    • class can be a large barrier to learning React
      • understanding this in JavaScript
      • code is verbose without unstable syntax proposals
      • when to use class vs function components
    • classes don't work well with today's tools
      • don't minify well
      • don't tree shake well
      • make hot reloading flaky and unreliable

No Breaking Changes

Before we continue, note that Hooks are:

  • Completely opt-in.
    • You can try Hooks in a few components without rewriting any existing code. But you don’t have to learn or use Hooks right now if you don’t want to.
  • 100% backwards-compatible.
    • Hooks don’t contain any breaking changes.
  • Available now.
    • Hooks are now available with the release of v16.8.0.
  • There are no plans to remove classes from React.
  • Hooks don’t replace your knowledge of React concepts.

Best Practice

Function components with hooks are now considered a best practice in the React community.

If you are starting a new project I would recommend using all function components with hooks and avoid writing class components.

Should I rewrite my class components?

After learning that function components with hooks have become a best practice, the question becomes: should you should rewrite your existing class components (if you have them) to be function components?

  • As I mentioned previously, there are no plans to remove class components from React.
  • If your class components are working and you only need to make small bug fixes and find them easy to make I don't think it is worth the effort.
  • If you are finding it difficult for your team to grasp React and JavaScript (for example: the nuances of the this keyword) then it might be worth it to rewrite the components as functions.

Hooks API

Hooks provide a more direct API to the React concepts you already know: props, state, context, refs, and lifecycle.

Class ComponentsFunction Components
Lifecycle MethodsuseEffect
createRef, refuseRef, ref
Context.Provider, Context.ConsumerContext.Provider, useContext
  • Function Components

    • useState
    • useEffect
    • useRef
    • this.setState
    • Lifecycle Methods (componentDidMount)
    • createRef
  • Class Components

    • useState
    • useEffect
    • useRef
    • this.setState
    • Lifecycle Methods (componentDidMount)
    • createRef

We will learn the details of each of these hooks in the subsequent sections of the course. For example, the state section will explain the useState hook and the Side Effects & Lifecycle section will explain the useEffect hook.

Rules of Hooks

  • Only call hooks at the top level (of your function component)
    • don't call them inside loops (for), conditions (if), or nested functions (only inside your main function component body)
  • Only call hooks from React Functions
    • call hooks from React function components
    • call hooks from other custom hooks

Custom Hooks

  • Custom Hooks allow you to easily reuse stateful logic between components.
  • Custom Hooks are covered in an advanced section of the course after we learn the built-in hooks.


The labs in this course use all function components with hooks which are now considered a best practice in the React community.
